Thursday, October 3, 2013

Important Facts about Eczema Skin Condition

What you need to know about Eczema Skin Condition.

Eczema skin condition is a type of skin disease, the cause of which is still unknown. Typically it starts as an itchy rash with dry and flaky skin.  More commonly found on the hands and legs of an adult while the face and scalp are affected in infants; thus this usually affects different areas of the body.

There are many types of eczema, but the most common manifestation is atopic eczema, which afflicts 10 to 20 percent of children and 3 percent of adults. People who experience this disease often, suffer from other allergies, as well. The majority of kids overcome eczema skin condition once they are 10.

How does Eczema begin?Eczema Treatment

Even though, many children and infants have eczema, the medical profession does not actually understand the causes.  Stress is a key factor which can aggravate this condition according to a study It an also be attributed to the hypersensitivity of the immune system against an irritant. People who get allergies are more likely to get this skin condition.

Animal hair can trigger an outbreak of eczema and some people have significant sensitivity to household products that can irritate sensitive skin and make you break out into an eczema rash. 

Many household products are potent soaps, cleaners, and detergents.  Eczema can erupt after exposure to makeup, perfume, or even jewelry.

Stop using the irritant and see how your skin reacts to figure out what causes the irritation. Don't use it if it gets worse. There are different situations where it can hard to detect the irritant.  See your dermatologist make sure.

Proper Eczema Management.

As evasive as the cause of eczema is, so is the cure. This eczema skin condition cannot be cured but only maintained You control the itching and improve your skin, but it can reappear anytime to any irritant your skin is ultrasensitive to.

Exzema is characterized as a skin rash and itching and the skin developing a flaky or crusty appearance. Moisturize your skin to help your eczema skin condition. This is the best manner to sue a lotion for sensitive skin. As for the itching, apply a generous amount of anti-itch skin cream to the area to relieve itching. Corticosteroid skin creams or 1% hydrocortisone creams have been verified to help with itching and swelling.

Doctors might prescribe antihistamine or oral corticosteroids for extreme cases of eczema Against severe itching, your dermatologist can also recommend or perform tar treatment or phototherapy.

There are other methods how to handle the most severe cases of this atrophy, such as administration of the drugs, Elidel and Protopic. However, they are used as a last resort since there are studies which show that continued use of the said drugs increases the chances of developing skin cancer.

 Preventing Eczema Skin Condition.

Eczema skin condition, as mentioned, cannot be thoroughly treated, but it can be contained. If your family has a history on allergies, best way is to take the necessary measures to avoid it.

Once your skin reacts sensitively to some products like, soap and fragrance, discontinue using them. Look for products that are hypoallergenic or have ingredients for sensitive skin.

Avoid contact with animals as animal hair or feather can also be an irritant. It will also help avoiding types of fabric, such as wool, as they can also cause irritation that might trigger your eczema skin condition.

Heat and sweat can also cause your skin to itch; thus, avoid sweating too much and moisturize as often as you can. Moisturizers not only prevent itching, but also keep the skin from getting dry.

There might also be some types of food that your doctor will warn you not to eat. Some foods that are often linked to eczema are poultry and dairy products such as eggs and milk. Legumes can also be potential culprits for eczema skin condition; thus, it is best to avoid these foods.


Author: Joe Sullivan

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